Sign Up for the 2011-1 JLPT!

Sign up for the 2011-1 JLPT!

The 2011-1 Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) (日本語能力試験) will be held on 3 July 2011 and will cover all levels from N1 to N5.
Why take the test?
Setting a goal: Whether you’re a beginner or a semi-pro, having a goal will motivate you to study—and you’ll definitely learn more Japanese, which is always good!

Learning the test style: Taking the lower levels of the test will help you learn how to take the test.

Professional investment: The upper levels of the test (N1 and N2) are extremely useful for job applications in Japan-related fields. Certification will look good on your grad school applications, as well.

How to Apply
Registration starts on 24 March 2011. The postmark deadline (keshiin yuukou, 消印有効) is Thursday, 28 April 2011.

To register, buy a registration packet from a participating bookstore for 500 yen.

1-1-30 Hirosaka, Kanazawa-shi
This is close to the 21st Century Art Museum and Kanazawa Castle in Hirosaka.

1-1-1 Korinbou, Kanazawa-shi
Korinbou-location Daiwa, 7th floor

Beans–we always have mixed info on Beans; they are on the JEES list this time but be aware that they have not had them in stock for prior tests.
5-158 Kuratsuki
On the 60/Kencho road; applications are on the 2nd floor.

You will also need a passport-style photograph, which you can get at a photo booth for about 700 yen, taken within the last 6 months. (There are booths everywhere—there’s one by my grocery store, for example, so ask around!)

The cost is 5500 yen. The registration packet has multi-lingual instructions on how to pay via the post office. Bring the packet with you to show the clerks (even if you do speak Japanese).

The test site information will be mailed to registered participants around 10 June 2011. The test is typically held at Hokuriku Daigaku, with extra buses departing from Kanazawa Station on the day of the test.


JLPT Official Website (English) (Japanese) (Chinese)

JEES (English) (Japanese)

Prep Books

Beans in Kanazawa (see above) carries a good selection, but be sure the books are for the new test. also has an excellent selection, and since more companies are publishing updated books, there’s a lot from which to choose! You can order in English and pay at a conbini; no credit card required. (Be aware that if you try to schedule the delivery, you will have to pay cash on delivery.)

Leah Zoller is a second-year CIR in Anamizu and the editor of this blog. 合格するように!

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