Blog Review: JET Resumes, Cover Letters, and Interview Tips

Image from "履歴書 – Japanese Résumés (blog post by former CIR)"

Not recontracting? Building your professional resume and cover letter, whether in English or Japanese is, frankly, stressful. How do you convey exactly why and how you are the perfect candidate for a job—and how do you explain JET?

Luckily for us, Vince Ricci, a lecturer and admissions consultant at the University of Tokyo, does pro bono work helping JETs prepare for life outside the program. Although he will be at the Leaver’s Conference on Feb. 21-23, 2011, you can get started now with his blog, located at

Vince covers example cover letters; example resumes for both CIRs and ALTs; discusses format, length, and wording; and covers Japanese resume styles as well. (Big props from this editor for using Arsene Lupin III as the applicant.) There are also links for graduate school application tips, if you decide to pursue that route.

There’s a lot of great information on different resume styles and use of language in addition to what I’ve linked here, so be sure to familiarize yourself with the site. Additionally, the site is not just text, but includes slide-shows and videos, too.

Good luck, and happy (job-) hunting!

Leah Zoller is a second-year CIR in Anamizu and the editor of this blog. Speaking of recruitment, the IJET Blog is recruiting for editorial positions—check your email for details!

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