JET Open Campus for the Doshisha Business School Global MBA Program

This information comes to us from the Great Lakes JETAA mailing list.

Doshisha Business School in Kyoto will be holding an open day (PDF flyer)
for JET (alumni and current) regarding their Global MBA program on Saturday, 12 February 2011. Contact Dr. Andy Staples to learn more at astaples [AT] mail [DOT] doshisha [DOT] ac [DOT] jp.

Click the link below to read more about the program and the funding opportunities for international students!

My name is Dr. Andy Staples and I am a visiting professor at Doshisha Business School, Kyoto, Japan. I am writing to you as a JET alumnus (Fukuoka, 1996-1999) and AJET Group Associate Member to pass on details of significant funding opportunities that may be of interest to any of your members considering enrolling on an MBA program in Japan (please see below). I am keen to develop opportunities for JET alumni and very much hope that you will be able to pass this on to your [JETAA] membership.

Please feel free to pass on my email address as a point of contact should anyone wish to get in touch.

With best wishes,

Dr. Andy Staples PhD
Associate Professor
Doshisha Business School

The University and MBA

Based in the heart of Kyoto, Doshisha University is Japan’s second oldest private university with a long tradition of international exchange reinforced by institutional agreements with top-ranked institutions around the world including the University of Cambridge in the UK, Stanford in the USA and Peking University in China. The university was designated as a ‘Global 30’ institution by the Japanese Ministry of Education in 2009 in recognition of its proactive internationalization strategy which includes the launch of a number of new undergraduate and postgraduate program delivered in English.

As part of this process the Graduate School of Business (Doshisha Business School, established 2004) launched the Global MBA in 2009. This is a two-year, full-time program delivered entirely in English by an international and research active faculty. 40 students representing 20 different nationalities are currently enrolled on the program reflecting the international, diverse and cosmopolitan nature of the degree. The average Global MBA candidate is around 27 and has approximately 3 years of work experience. Many of our students have had previous experience of studying or working in Japan and some are seeking to develop a Japan based degree although all have joined the program for its content, structure and global outlook. Our mission is to educate young managers/executives willing to take the initiative in business and society as proactive leaders capable of seeking out business opportunities while at the same time making a contribution to the well-being of our society.


We currently have one former JET enrolled (Shiga, 2006-2009) and believe that the program offers an excellent next step for JETs interested in developing an internationally focused career while remaining based in (or returning to) Japan. Significant funding opportunities exist for 2011 entry including scholarships, monthly stipends and fee waivers for outstanding international students, and full details can be found on our webpage ( Applications are open now and early submissions are advised, particularly for those seeking funding. Potential applicants are encouraged to submit a CV/resume and personal statement outlining interest in the Global MBA and career ambition on a no-fee/consultative basis. Please also feel free to get in touch if you would like to informally correspond with a former JET enrolled on the program.

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