JET-Sister City Project

This information comes to us from Dipika Soni, a former JET and a translator in Kahoku.

JetWit, an online community of JET alumni, is putting together a list of sister cities and sister states/prefectures/provinces. Ishikawa has no entries so far, so please help out by emailing your sister city information to the site.

The Goal: To create a list of Japanese cities (and prefectures) where JETs lived that have a sister city relationship with another country.

How can you help? Email jetwit AT jetwit DOT com with your name, prefecture, city/town and years on JET as well as any sister city relationships that your town had.  If you already see your city listed, email your name anyway so we can include you as well.

The Result: JetWit will add to the below list as responses are received.

The Purpose: To lay some groundwork that may help Japanese cities/prefectures that hosted JETs increase their “return on investment” from their initial investment.

(Note #1: There actually is a Japanese government publication that lists every Japanese sister city relationship.  However, it does not list any correlation with JETs.)

With all of the above in mind, please email your responses to jetwit AT jetwit DOT comYoroshiku onegaishimasu!

Also, check out for post-JET job postings, JET alumni in the news, blogs, and JETAA information.

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